DMS - The Greener Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Service

Green Cleaning

Eco-Friendly Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Solutions
Some people refuse to clean their carpets, rugs, and upholstery because they do not want harsh chemicals brought into their home. Some of the chemicals used will stay on your carpet and upholstery, leaving an unpleasant odor for quite some time. We receive calls all the time from people complaining about strong chemical odors.
Some of the stronger solvent-type chemicals can and will break down your upholstery and carpet backing if not used correctly. Companies that operate inadequate equipment for their cleaning rely on harsher chemicals for more desirable results. Many people are just unaware of this, and we have heard some grim stories through the years of families and their pets getting sick after cleaning.
We offer botanically-based cleaning solutions that are readily biodegradable and safe to use around children, pets, and the chemically sensitive to clean your carpets, rugs, mattresses, and upholstery. They have no fragrances, dyes, phosphates, EDTA, NTA, alkyl/nonyl phenolethoxylates, voc's, or other hazardous or unnecessary ingredients.
We have enzyme spotters that will work for pet accidents and other organic matter and are safe to use on various carpet fibers and upholstered fabrics. We state this because spot treating your carpet or upholstery can be tricky, and using the wrong product can result in permanent damage. We have seen many "bleached out" stains caused by some of the store-bought "natural" spotters and carpet cleaners.
If you are chemically sensitive to even green cleaning solutions, we can use water, which is a naturally occurring substance that can be used to clean many surfaces. Although water is not the most effective solution for all cleaning applications, it can be used to clean carpets and furniture. By utilizing the power of steam cleaning, steam can be used to break down soils and oils, making them easier to clean away.
To sum up, green cleaning provides customers with an eco-friendly way to help protect their homes and businesses from environmental pollutants and hazardous chemicals. While it is the ideal way to clean most surfaces and objects, there are times when a standard spotter or cleaning solution may be more suitable. Let us know if you would like us to use only green cleaning, and we will make sure to adhere to your wishes. With DMS, you do not pay a penny more for us to use our green cleaning solutions for your carpet, upholstery or rugs!
Bac-Out Enzyme Treatments - Natural Green Cleaning Solutions
DMS Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners
Family Owned & Operated
Since 1989