DMS Carpet, Rug, Mattress and Upholstery Cleaning

Carpet Care Tips

Your rugs and carpeting are subject to quite a beating on a daily basis. Most carpeting is replaced prematurely because of improper cleaning and neglect. Without proper care your rugs and carpet begin to look dull and faded. High traffic areas become flat and patterns become permanent.
Basic Maintenance
Vacuuming carpets and rugs frequently and thoroughly is probably the most important factor in maintaining them. Dirt and oily contaminants work their way down into the fibers and act like sandpaper, grinding away at each tuft, leaving it flat, frayed, and dull. Dirt also combines with oil residues carried through the air and eventually glues itself to the carpet.
Regular vacuuming helps, and most experts agree that carpets and rugs should be thoroughly vacuumed about once a week, with heavy-traffic areas being vacuumed more often.
Carpet & Rug Stains
Whenever spills occur on your carpet or rug, time can be of the essence (especially for organic matter). The sooner it is cleaned up, the chances of complete removal are better. Don't be fooled by spills that are clear or are the same color as the carpet; these can change color over time and become visible stains. 
The first step in spot cleaning is to blot up (never rub hard) the liquid using white paper towels, tissues, or a white terry cloth towel. Do not add any liquids until you absorb as much as possible, as they will only make the spot larger and help it sink deeper into the carpet.

Club soda may be used as a safer alternative to treat your stains. The carbonation helps to remove matter and usually will not permanently set a stain in.
If a cleaning solution (be careful, especially on natural fibers) is used, test it on an inconspicuous part of the rug or carpet first. Place a few drops of the cleaning solution on the stain, and then place a white paper towel on top. Wait 10 to 15 seconds and check whether any of the carpet dyes have seeped through to your towel. If this happens, it's best to leave it alone and give us a call.

Assuming nothing went wrong with your test, keep in mind these additional stain-removing tips:
1. Use the least amount of solution possible.
2. Work from the outside of the stain toward the center to avoid spreading the stain.
3. Don't rub the carpet too hard or you may damage fibers.
4. Make sure the carpet can dry quickly, using a fan if necessary.
Keep in mind that not all stains can be removed. Bleached areas, whether caused by sunlight or liquid bleach, cannot really be addressed. Some companies can re-dye those sections, but don't count on a perfect color match. Urine, if allowed to dry, may also leave a permanent stain. Stains from foods that have a lot of food coloring, such as Kool Aid, mustard, or grape soda, are often impossible to remove. The only chance you have of avoiding a permanent stain with these colored food items is to act very quickly when the spill occurs. Many stains containing sugar attract dirt so effectively that if the attracted dirt is similar in color to the carpet, the underlying stain is completely hidden until cleaning. Then, with all the camouflaging dirt removed, the underlying stain becomes obvious and appears to be "new."
DMS Carpet & Upholstery Cleaners
Family Owned & Operated
Since 1989